Tabea Waya e Karapi!

Sastra for Minahasa Masa Depan!

Mengapa sastra (baca: tulisan)?

Sebab tulisan adalah bentuk kasat mata dari bahasa yang adalah alat atau perwujudan budaya yang digunakan manusia untuk saling berkomunikasa atau berhubungan, baik lewat tulisan, lisan, ataupun gerakan (bahasa isyarat), dengan tujuan menyampaikan maksud hati atau kemauan kepada lawan bicaranya atau orang lain. Melalui bahasa, manusia dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan adat istiadat, tingkah laku, tata krama masyarakat, dan sekaligus mudah membaurkan dirinya dengan segala bentuk masyarakat.

Kemudian: Mengapa pake Bahasa Manado? No kong kyapa dang?

Karena tak ada lagi bahasa lain yang menjadi 'lingua franca" di se-enteru Minahasa hari ini selain bahasa yang dulunya torang kenal juga sebagai "Melayu Manado".

Yang terutama adalah bahwa lewat sastra kita dapat kembali menjabarkan “Kebudayaan Minahasa” hari ini. Dengan menulis kita dapat kembali meluruskan benang kusut sejarah Bangsa Minahasa. Lalu, lewat tulisan, kita menggapai keabadian, io toh?

Tulisan Paling Baru

ini tong pe posting terbaru.

Puisi Reza Inkiriwang: "Minahasa Electric Crisis".

Part I
Hei yo Hei yo The Light goes on and light goes off

Hei yo Hei yo
The Light goes on and light goes off
Hei yo is the hei yo
The light goes on and light goes off

I work all day long and light goes off
The Light goes on and light goes off
I stick to the candles til morning comes
The light goes on and light goes off

Come Mr PLN turn on my electric
Don't you know where does money come from
Come Mr PLN turn on my electric
Don't you know we can finally "pay" off

One time, two times three times light is gone
The light goes on and light goes off
Four times, Five times Six times are damn black
The light goes on the light goes off

Hey yo Hey yo
The light goes on and light goes off
Hey What a day What a day What a day
The light goes on and light goes off

Hey all my friends say why don't you stop pay bill
It will be cut off and the problems are more
Hey all my friends say did you save energy?
Yes we did but the price getting more crazy

It's said Lahendong are not so hot
We need to build the power sation more
It's said Tanggari is getting drought
It' all classic but what can we do more

Hey yo Hey yo
The light goes on and light goes off
Hey what a day what a day what a day
The light goes on and light goes off

Come Mr Sinyo do something more
he said we should try to save more
Come Mr Sinyo do something more
he would say that with all same things

Hey yo Hey yo
The light goes on and the light goes off
Hey What a day what a day what a day
what a day what a day yo
The electric is crisis but we should still care for

Part II
Electric Kills All Things Here

I live in nice place but back to centuries ago
Nothing but black and carries a little fire to go
If you were me I'm sure you'll going be mad too

Oh ah Oh!

TV sleeps. Lights rest in peace. and the net is dead
Cables, devices, lines under grave of technology
And now you understand the problem you can see

Oh ah Oh!
It's all the same again
Oh ah Oh!
Now you can tell that

Electric kills all things here
Electric kills all things here
Trouble here and breaks them all

Oh ah ah ah oh

High Class Meeting, Parade of ships we just all had
We have foods, singers, models and intellectuals
But what a heck now we live in the dark

Oh ah oh!
Light always goes sucks!
Oh ah ah!
But we still pay it

Electric kills all things here
Electric kills all things here

In the morning in the night
We can do nothing but it's gone too far

Oh ah ah oh
Oh ah ah oh

Electric kills all things here
Electric kills all things here

Now our minds we can't control!
We can't stand it cause it's gone too far
Trouble here and breaks them all
Put the blame on PLN

OH Hooooow will it come eeeeeend!
Oh aaaaaah Christmas will come aahhhhhhh!

Electric kills all things here (oh ahhhhh my weeding is canceled!)
Electric kills all things here (oh ahhhhh my dating is damaged!)
Electric kills all things here(oh ahhhhhhh I can't do my job!)
Electric kills all things here

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